How to create a silk top closure or silk base closure.  Online class available at

How To Create a Silk Top Closure – Online Class Available

Are you passionate about wigs and want to learn how to create a flawless silk top closure? Look no further! Our online course is designed just for you…

Silk tops, also called “silk base” or “injected lace”, are one of the most realistic types of hair systems on the market. The base of silk top systems is composed of three layers of mesh material. The middle layer is injected lace; the top layer is silk monofilament and the bottom is diamond net. Hair strands are meticulously injected through the silk fabric, creating a hidden knot effect. The entire hooking process is hand-tied with single flat knots.

In this course, you will learn two types of hair ventilation for silk top hair systems: single silk top and double silk top. This curriculum will provide an in-depth look at these two ventilation techniques to provide a clear understanding of how to make a silk top closure.

Pre-enrollment is open NOW! Save 15% if you enroll by 3/15/2024. Enter code EARLYBIRD at checkout!

The course material will be available the morning of 3/16/2024.